Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to add a database file to a mirrored SQL Server database

How to add a database file to a mirrored SQL Server database

When using Database Mirroring and if you have not placed your database files for your principal database and mirrored database on an identical path then adding a database file to the principal database is quite different than the normal process. In this case, when you add a database file to a database, your mirroring configuration will be suspended because SQL Server will not be able to create that file on the mirrored server. This will not allow the databases to be in sync and will force mirroring to go into a suspended state.
If the complete path (including drive letter and folder names) for the database files exists on both the principal and mirrored server then you can follow the normal process, but if the paths are different then you would have to follow this process to add a database file to a mirrored database.
In this tip I will describe step by step how to add a database file for a mirrored database that has different drives and/or paths.
At a high level these are the steps we will take to add a new database file for a mirrored database that has different file paths on the principal and mirror.  First remove the mirror partner, then create the database file on the principal server. After that I will take a log backup and restore it on the mirrored server using the WITH MOVE option. Once the restore is done, I will re-establish database mirroring.


Steps to add new database file to mirrored database

Step 1
First, we should check the mirroring configuration and partner status. Run the below command on the principal server to get this information.  Here we have used database id 5 for our database, you can find your database id for your mirrored database using "sp_helpdb".

SELECT (SELECT DB_NAME(5))AS DBName,database_id,mirroring_state_desc,
FROM sys.database_mirroring
WHERE database_id=5

Find the mirroring partners and status

Step 2
We can see the mirroring status is synchronized and its mirror partner name. Before moving ahead, we should disable any SQL Server backup jobs to reduce any futher complexity. Otherwise, if any log backup occurs in between you will need to restore all log backups on the mirrored server before establishing the database mirror.
Now we will remove the mirror partner to initiate this file creation process. Run the below command on the principal server to break the mirror.


Break database mirroring to start the process

Now you can again check the mirroring configuration with the help of the SQL code in step 1. Once you run step 1 again, the output should be like the screenshot below. You can see the status and partner names are showing NULL, meaning the mirroring configuration is broken. Also your database on the mirrored server will be in a restoring state.
Check Mirroring status after breaking mirroring configuration

Step 3
Next, create your database file on the principal server. I ran this statement to create a secondary database file on the principal server. You can use the GUI method as well to create this database file.

ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2 ADD FILE (NAME = AdventureWorks2008R2_Data2, 
FILENAME = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2008R2_Data2.ndf', 

Create new database file on your principle server

Step 4
Once you have added a new database file on your database, run a log backup that will be restored on the mirrored server.

BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks2008R2
TO DISK = 'C:\AdventureWork2008R2_25Nov20121229.trn'

Run Log backup

Step 5
Before restoring the log backup on the mirrored server, you can check whether your newly created file is captured in the log backup. Run the RESTORE FILELISTONLY statement to get this info.

FROM DISK = 'C:\AdventureWork2008R2_25Nov20121229.trn'

Restore filelistonly to verify newly created file is added in backup or not

We can see that the newly created file is captured in the log backup file, so go ahead and restore this log backup on the mirrored server using the NORECOVERY and MOVE options. We are using the MOVE option to place the file in a different location on our mirrored server.

RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2 
FROM DISK = 'C:\AdventureWork2008R2_25Nov20121229.trn' 
 MOVE 'AdventureWorks2008R2_Data2'
  TO 'F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MANVENDRA\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2008R2_Data2.ndf'

Restore created Log backup on mirrored server

Step 6
Now the principal database and mirror database have the new database file. Now we should re-establish mirroring between the servers for this database. First, add the partner server on the mirror server. The below SQL code will add the principal server on the mirror server.
ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008R2] SET PARTNER = 

Add principle to mirror server

Step 7
Now add the partner server on the principal. Run the below SQL code to add the mirror server to the principal server to resume mirroring.
ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008R2] SET PARTNER = 

Add principle to mirror server

Step 8
Once the above commands are successful, you are done with your task to add a database file to a mirrored database.
We can check and verify whether the mirroring configuration is established between both databases. Run this SQL statement along with sp_heflpfile on the principal server.
SELECT (SELECT DB_NAME(5))AS DBName,database_id,mirroring_state_desc,
FROM sys.database_mirroring
WHERE database_id=5
USE AdventureWorks2008R2

Verify Mirroring and database file
You can also verify on your mirrored server after a failover to check the database properties for the mirrored database.

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